Data Access


Retrieving Collections

Retrieving collections is Client responsibility as well as their creation. In the previous chapter we created Collection named "weather". Now we are going to get it:

from deker import Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
   collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")

print(collection)  # weather

If you have several collections on the same storage, you can iterate them with the Client:

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
   for collection in client:

Collection object has several useful properties and methods for self-managing:

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
   collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")

   print(collection.array_schema)   # returns schema of Array
   print(collection.varray_schema)  # returns schema of VArray if applicable, else None
   print(collection.path)           # returns physical storage path of the Collection
   print(collection.as_dict)        # serializes main information about Collection into
                                    # dictionary
   collection.clear()               # removes all the Array and/or VArray objects from the
                                    # storage, but retains the Collection metadata
   collection.delete()              # removes all the Array and/or VArray and the Collection
                                    # metadata from the storage


Collection object has 3 kinds of managers to work with its contents:

  1. default (or DataManager) is Collection itself

  2. Collection.arrays (or ArraysManager) is a manager responsible for Array

  3. Collection.varrays (or VArraysManager) is a manager responsible for VArray (unavailable in Array collections).

These managers are mixed with FilteredManager object and are responsible for creation and filtering of the correspondent contents. All of them have the same interface. The default manager is a preferred one. Having information about the Collection main schema, the default manager decides what to create or to filter. If you have a VArray collection, it will create or filter VArray objects, if your collection is made of Array it will create or filter Array. The two others are made for direct filtering of Array or VArray.

Normally, you need the default one, and although the two others are public, we will not describe them in this documentation.

Array Creation

Let’s create a first Array:

from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.create({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)})


Let’s assume that hereinafter all the datetime objects, including timestamps and ISO 8601 strings are in UTC timezone.

As you remember, our schema contains a TimeDimensionSchema and a primary attribute schema. TimeDimensionSchema.start_value was indicated as a reference to the, what allowed you to set an individual time start point for each Array. That’s why we passed {"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)} to the method of creation, nevertheless if the attribute was defined as primary or custom. Now our Array knows the day and the hour when its data time series starts.

If some other primary attributes were defined, values for them should have been included in this dictionary.

If no attributes are defined in the schema, the method shall be called without parameters: collection.create().

When an Array or a VArray is created, it has a unique id which is a UUID string. Array and VArray IDs are generated automatically by different algorithms. So the probability to get two same IDs tends to zero.

Fine, we have our first Array in the Collection. Do we have any changes in our storage? Yes, we do. If you list it with:

ls -lh /tmp/deker/collections/weather

You will find out that there are two directories named array_data and array_symlinks and a file with the Collection metadata weather.json.

Listing these inner directories will tell you that you have an .hdf5 file with the Array UUID in its name. At the moment this file is almost empty. It contains just the Array metadata, as we have not yet inserted any data in it. But it is created and ready to be used.

Thus, we can create all the Array objects in advance without filling them in with any data and retrieve them when we need. Let’s prepare our database for January 2023:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")

    for day in range(30):
        start_point = datetime(2023, 1, 2, 0) + timedelta(days=day)
        collection.create({"dt": start_point})

Collection is an iterator, so we can get all its contents item by item:

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    for array in collection:


Everything, mentioned above in this section, is applicable to VArray as well, except that VArray collection path will contain two more directories: varray_data and varray_symlinks.

Arrays Filtering

If we need to get a certain Array from the collection, we shall filter it out. As previously stated, primary attributes allow you to find a certain Array or VArray in the Collection. If no primary attribute is defined, you need either to know its id or to iterate the Collection in order to find a particular Array or VArray until you get the right one.


It is highly recommended to define at least one primary attribute in every schema.

So you have two options how to filter an Array or VArray in a Collection:

  1. By id

  2. By primary attributes

For example, we saved an id of some Array to a variable, let’s create a filter:

from deker import Array, Client, Collection
from deker.managers import FilteredManager

id = "9d7b32ee-d51e-5a0b-b2d9-9a654cb1991d"

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    filter: FilteredManager = collection.filter({"id": id})

This filter is an instance of FilteredManager object, which is also lazy. It keeps the parameters for filtering, but no job has been done yet.


There is no any query language or conditional matching for now, only strict matching is available.

The FilteredManager provides final methods for invocation of the filtered objects:

  • first()

  • last()

Since only strict matching is available, both of them will return the same. They are stubs for the query language development.

Now let’s filter some Array by the primary attribute:

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")

    filter_1: FilteredManager = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 3, 0)})
    filter_2: FilteredManager = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 15, 0).isoformat()})

    array_1: Array = filter_1.first()
    array_2: Array = filter_2.last()
    assert !=

As you see, attributes of datetime.datetime type, can be filtered both by datetime.datetime object as well as by its representation as ISO 8601 string.


If your collection schema has several primary attributes, you must pass filtering values for all of them!


Everything, mentioned above in this section, is applicable to VArray as well.

Array and VArray

As previously stated, both Array and VArray objects have the same interface.

Their common properties are:

  • id: returns Array or VArray ID

  • dtype: returns type of the Array or VArray data

  • shape: returns Array or VArray shape as a tuple of dimension sizes

  • named_shape: returns Array or VArray shape as a tuple of dimension names bound to their sizes

  • dimensions: returns a tuple of Array or VArray dimensions as objects

  • schema: returns Array or VArray low-level schema

  • collection: returns the name of Collection to which the Array is bound

  • as_dict: serializes main information about array into dictionary, prepared for JSON

  • primary_attributes: returns an OrderedDict of Array or VArray primary attributes

  • custom_attributes: returns a dict of Array or VArray custom attributes

VArray has two extra properties:

  • arrays_shape: returns common shape of all the Array bound to the VArray

  • vgrid: returns virtual grid (a tuple of integers) by which VArray is split into Array

Their common common methods are:

  • read_meta(): reads the Array or VArray metadata from storage

  • update_custom_attributes(): updates Array or VArray custom attributes values

  • delete(): deletes Array or VArray from the storage with all its data and metadata

  • __getitem__(): creates Subset from Array or VSubset from VArray

Updating Custom Attributes

Updating custom attributes is quite simple. As you remember, our schema contains one named tm (timestamp) with int data type, and we have never defined its value. It means, that it is set to None in each Array. Let’s check it and update them everywhere:

from deker import Array, Client, Collection
from deker.managers import FilteredManager

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
   collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
   for array in collection:
      print(array.custom_attributes)  # {'tm': None}

      # type shall be `int`
      custom_attribute_value = int(array.primary_attributes["dt"].timestamp()))
      array.update_custom_attributes({'tm': custom_attribute_value})


If there are many custom attributes and you want to update just one or several of them - no problem. Just pass a dictionary with values for the attributes you need to update. All the others will not be harmed and will keep their values.

Fancy Slicing

It is our privilege and pleasure to introduce the fancy slicing of your data!

We consider the __getitem__() method to be one of our pearls.

Usually, you use integers for native Python and NumPy indexing and start, stop and step slicing parameters:

import numpy as np

python_seq = range(10)
np_seq = np.random.random((3, 4, 5))

print(python_seq[1], python_seq[3:], python_seq[3:9:2])
print(np_seq[2, 3, 4], np_seq[1:,:, 2], np_seq[:2, :, 1:4:2])


If you are new to NumPy indexing, please, refer to the official documentation

DEKER™ allows you to index and slice its Array and VArray not only with integers, but with the types by which the dimensions are described.

But let’s start with a constraint.


Since a VArray is split in separate files, and each file can contain an Array with more than one dimension, the calculation of their inner bounds is a non-trivial problem.

That’s why the step parameter is limited to 1 for both Array and VArray dimensions. This constraint is introduced to keep consistent behavior, although that there is no such a problem for Array.

Workaround for VArray would be to read your data and slice it again with steps, if you need, as it will be a numpy.ndarray.

Start and Stop

As earlier mentioned, if your Dimensions have an additional description with scale or labels you can get rid of indexes calculations and provide your scale or labels values to start and stop parameters.

If you have a TimeDimension, you can slice it with datetime.datetime objects, its ISO 8601 formatted string or timestamps in the type of float.


Remember, that you shall convert your local timezone to UTC for proper TimeDimension slicing.

Let’s have a closer look:

from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
   collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")

   array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 3, 0)}).first()

   start_dt = datetime(2023, 1, 3, 5)
   end_dt = datetime(2023, 1, 3, 10)

   fancy_subset = array[
      start_dt:end_dt,  # step is timedelta(hours=1)
      -44.0:-45.0,      # y-scale start point is 90.0 and step is -1.0 (90.0 ... -90.0)
      -1.0:1.0,         # x-scale start point is -180.0 and step is 1.0 (-180.0 ... 179.0)
      :"pressure"       # captures just "temperature" and "humidity"

   # which is equivalent of:
   subset = array[

   assert fancy_subset.shape == subset.shape
   assert fancy_subset.bounds == subset.bounds

It is great, if you can keep in mind all the indexes and their mappings, but this feature awesome, isn’t it?! Yes, it is!!!

The values, passed to each dimension’s index or slice, are converted to integers, and after that they are set in the native Python slice object. A tuple of such slices is the final representation of the bounds which will be applied to your data.


Fancy index values must exactly match your dimension time, Scale or label values, otherwise, you will get IndexError.

You have not yet approached your data, but you are closer and closer.

Now you have a new object - Subset.

Subset and VSubset

Subset and VSubset are the final lazy objects for the access to your data.

Once created, they contain no data and do not access the storage until you manually invoke one of their correspondent methods.


If you need to read or write all the data from Array or VArray you should create a subset with [:] or [...].

Both of them also have the same interface. As for the properties, they are:

  • shape: returns shape of the Subset or VSubset

  • bounds: returns bounds that were applied to Array or VArray

  • dtype: returns type of queried data

  • fill_value: returns value for empty cells

Let’s dive deeper into the methods.


The explanations below are based on the logic, implemented for the HDF5 format.


Method read() gets data from the storage and returns a numpy.ndarray of the corresponding shape and dtype. Regarding VArray data reading, VSubset will capture the data from the Array, affected by the passed bounds, arrange it in a single numpy.ndarray of the proper shape and dtype and return it to you.

If your Array or VArray is empty - a numpy.ndarray filled with fill_value will be returned for any called Subset or VSubset:

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 15, 0)}).first()
    subset = array[0, 0, 0]  # get first hour and grid zero-point
    print(  # [nan, nan, nan, nan]


Method update() is an upsert method, which is responsible for new values inserting and old values updating.

The shape of the data, that you pass into this method, shall match the shape of the Subset or VSubset. It is impossible to insert 10 values into 9 cells. It is also impossible to insert them into 11 cells, as there are no instructions how to arrange them properly.

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)}).first()
    subset = array[:]  # captures full array shape

    data = np.random.random(subset.shape)


The provided data dtype shall match the dtype of Array or VArray set by the schema or shall have the correspondent Python type to be converted into such dtype:

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)}).first()
    subset = array[:]  # captures full array shape

    data = np.random.random(subset.shape).tolist  # converts data into Python list of Python floats

    subset.update(data)  # data will be converted to array.dtype

If your Array or VArray is utterly empty, Subset or VSubset will create a numpy.ndarray of the Array shape filled with the fill_value from the Collection schema and than, using the indicated bounds, it will insert the data provided by you in this array. Afterwards it will be dumped to the storage. In the scope of VArray it will work in the same manner, except that only corresponding affected inner Array will be created.

If there is some data in your Array or VArray and you provide some new values by this method, the old values in the affected bounds will be substituted with new ones:

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)}).first()

    data = np.random.random(array.shape)

    subset = array[0, 0, 0]  # get first hour and grid zero-point

    print(  # a list of 4 random values

    new_values = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
    subset.update(new_values)  # data will be converted to array.dtype

    print(  # [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]


Method clear() inserts the fill_value into the affected bounds. If all your Array or VArray values are fill_value, it will be concerned empty and the data set will be deleted from the file. But the file still exists and retains Array or VArray metadata:

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)}).first()

    data = np.random.random(array.shape)

    subset = array[0, 0, 0]  # get first hour and grid zero-point

    print(  # a list of 4 random values

    new_values = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
    subset.update(new_values)  # data will be converted to array.dtype
    print(  # [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

    print(  # [nan, nan, nan, nan]

    print(array[:].read()) # a numpy.ndarray full of `nans`


You may want to check, what part of data you are going to manage.

With describe() you can get an OrderedDict with a description of the dimensions parts affected by Subset or VSubset. If you provided scale and/or labels for your dimensions, you will get the human-readable description, otherwise you’ll get indexes.

So it is highly recommended to describe your dimensions:

from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection
from pprint import pprint

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
   collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
   array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)}).first()

   pprint(array[0, 0, 0].describe())

   # OrderedDict([('day_hours',
   #             [datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)]),
   #             ('y', [90.0]),
   #             ('x', [-180.0]),
   #             ('weather', ['temperature', 'humidity', 'pressure', 'wind_speed'])])

   subset = array[datetime(2023, 1, 1, 5):datetime(2023, 1, 1, 10),


   #  OrderedDict([('day_hours',
   #               [datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 5, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
   #                datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 6, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
   #                datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
   #                datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
   #                datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 9, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)]),
   #              ('y', [-44.0]),
   #              ('x', [-1.0, 0.0]),
   #              ('weather', ['temperature', 'humidity'])])


Description is an OrderedDict object, having in values full ranges of descriptive data for Subset or VSubset. If you keep this description in memory, your memory will be lowered by its size.

Read Xarray


xarray package is not in the list of the DEKER™ default dependencies. Please, refer to the Installation chapter for more details

Xarray is a wonderful project, which provides special objects for working with multidimensional data. Its main principle is the data shall be described. We absolutely agree with that.

Method read_xarray() describes a Subset or VSubset, reads its contents and converts it to xarray.DataArray object.

If you need to convert your data to pandas objects, or to netCDF, or to ZARR - use this method and after it use methods, provided by xarray.DataArray:

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from deker import Array, Client, Collection

with Client("file:///tmp/deker") as client:
    collection: Collection = client.get_collection("weather")
    array: Array = collection.filter({"dt": datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0)}).first()

    data = np.random.random(array.shape)

    subset = array[0, 0, 0]  # get first hour and grid zero-point

    x_subset: xarray.DataArray = subset.read_xarray()


It provides even more opportunities. Refer to xarray.DataArray API for details .


DEKER™ is thread and process safe. It uses its own locks for the majority of operations. DEKER™ locks can be divided into two groups: read and write locks

Read locks can be shared between threads and processes with no risk of data corruption.

Write locks are exclusive and are taken for the files with correspondent data content. Only the process/thread, which has already acquired a write lock, may produce any changes in the data.

It means that if one process is already writing some data into a HDF5 file (or into an Array) and some other processes want to read from it or to write some other data into the same file, they will receive a DekerLockError.


Reading data from an Array, which is locked for writing, is impossible.

Speaking about VArray it means that several processes are able to update data in several non-intersecting VSubsets. In case if any updating VSubset intersects with another one, the update operation will be rejected for the VSubset, which met the write lock.

Please note that operation of custom attributes updating also locks Array or VArray files for writing.